The main advantage of our products is the high quality of them, certified by ISO 9001:2000.
We are very careful with the raw materials and dyes used and also with the packaging techniques of the final product. We use the best manufacturing technologies and the most modern machines on the market.
At MH DIPAC, we manufacture containers in a wide range of products: containers, vats, trays, etc., which have good resistance to most products that can be packaged and are most suitable for use in microwaves. Our products are mainly aimed at the food and canning sectors: fast food, pâtés and creams, snacks, cheeses, olives, desserts, and many more.
LGAI Tecnological Center certifies that the quality system of the company MH DIPAC, S.L. Is in accordance with the requirements of the standard UNE-EN-ISO-9001:2000; For the activities of:
The company MH DIPAC is validated and registered in the Sanitary Register with nº 39.02390/GU